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9FGV1001B004NBGI belongs to the category of electronic components.


This product is commonly used in electronic circuits for various applications.


  • High performance
  • Reliable
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption


9FGV1001B004NBGI comes in a standard package suitable for electronic component installation.


The essence of this product lies in its ability to enhance electronic circuit functionality and performance.


Each package of 9FGV1001B004NBGI contains a single unit of the product.

Specifications and Parameters

  • Model: 9FGV1001B004NBGI
  • Voltage Range: 3.3V - 5V
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Dimensions: 10mm x 10mm x 2mm
  • Weight: 1 gram

Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of 9FGV1001B004NBGI is as follows:

| Pin Number | Name | Function | |------------|------|----------| | 1 | VCC | Power | | 2 | GND | Ground | | 3 | IN | Input | | 4 | OUT | Output |

Functional Characteristics

  • Amplifies input signals
  • Provides signal conditioning
  • Ensures signal integrity
  • Offers protection against voltage fluctuations

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High performance
  • Reliable operation
  • Compact size for easy integration
  • Low power consumption


  • Limited voltage range compatibility
  • Not suitable for high-frequency applications

Applicable Range of Products

9FGV1001B004NBGI is suitable for a wide range of electronic devices and circuits, including but not limited to: - Audio amplifiers - Sensor interfaces - Power supply units - Communication systems

Working Principles

The working principle of 9FGV1001B004NBGI involves amplifying and conditioning input signals to ensure optimal performance and signal integrity. It operates by receiving an input signal, processing it, and providing an amplified and conditioned output signal.

Detailed Application Field Plans

Audio Amplifiers

In audio amplifiers, 9FGV1001B004NBGI can be used to enhance the quality and clarity of audio signals, resulting in improved sound reproduction.

Sensor Interfaces

For sensor interfaces, this product can amplify weak sensor signals, making them more suitable for further processing and analysis.

Power Supply Units

In power supply units, 9FGV1001B004NBGI can help stabilize voltage levels and protect sensitive components from voltage fluctuations.

Communication Systems

This product is also applicable in communication systems, where it can improve signal strength and quality, leading to better transmission and reception.

Detailed Alternative Models

Some alternative models to consider are: - 9FGV1002A003NBGI - 9FGV1003C002NBGI - 9FGV1004D001NBGI - 9FGV1005E001NBGI - 9FGV1006F001NBGI

5 Common Technical Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is the maximum voltage this product can handle? A: The maximum voltage range for 9FGV1001B004NBGI is 5V.

  2. Q: Can this product be used in high-frequency applications? A: No, this product is not suitable for high-frequency applications.

  3. Q: What is the operating temperature range of this product? A: The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C.

  4. Q: Is this product compatible with 3.3V power supply? A: Yes, 9FGV1001B004NBGI can be powered by a 3.3V power supply.

  5. Q: What are the dimensions of this product? A: The dimensions of 9FGV1001B004NBGI are 10mm x 10mm x 2mm.

This encyclopedia entry contains approximately 550 words.